Davis and I got back yesterday from our extended stay at my parents house in California. It was only supposed to be a weekend, but somehow turned into two weeks. (oops) Justin picked us up from the airport with hugs. kisses and flowers. I missed him so much but I think he missed us more. Our two weeks were filled with family friends, shopping, and tons of attention for Davis. I hope now that we are home she doesn't get bored with just me and Justin giving her attention.I loved seeing my family and the shock from my dad when we surprised him was priceless. Although he was a little slow to understand what was going on. I flew in with Davis two weeks ago Wednesday. We got in that afternoon and hung out at my brothers house until my dad got home from work. When we are in Utah we use skype to talk to my family, so when dad got home I called and asked if we could skype. He not knowing that I was literally ten minutes away agreed. We got on and after a minute I said "you should see how much Davis has grown." That is when I held up my two year old niece Ava. My Dad looked really confused and didn't really get it. Then we lost the Internet connection and had to finish the surprise on the phone. It still took him a minute but when he realized that we were at Ryan and Miriam's he hopped in the car and came right over. It had been his birthday earlier that week so this was is birthday present, meeting his new granddaughter for the first time. It was a great way to kick off Davis' first vacation.

Justin couldn't even put her down to eat. He was so excited to see her. It took her a minute but she warmed up and gave him some big smiles. He was so worried that she would forget about him, but it is obvious that she didn't. He is amazing if I don't say so myself.

Again he wouldn't put her down he wanted to do everything.

She was great on the plane ride. She loved taking off. I think all the noise when you take off was actually very soothing to her. She slept through most of the flight, and did get a little fussy when we were landing. The flight attendants and everyone were so sweet. I love flying southwest, they might not be the flashiest but they definately have the best customer service especially for families.(trust me taking thirty flights a summer I have experiance with a lot of airlines)

Papa meeting Davis for the first time. As you can see she was just thrilled. On the other hand you can see the happiness on my dad's face. You can tell that his grandkids bring him the greatest happiness. His face glows whenever they are around. Needless to say when he got to Ryan and Miriams he hogged Davis from everybody.

We went to my parents ward on Sunday. I was so nice to see all the people that I grew up with and show them Davis. I think it is very shocking they remember as a bratty teenager and now I have matured a little. Davis did great she was quiet all during sacrament meeting. Then as the we sang the closing song she woke up and opened her eyes but didn't make a peep. It's as if she knew that she was going to be shown off, and wanted everyone to see how pretty she was. She stayed that way for all three hours.(the first time going for all three hours)

My dad is like a kid in a candy store when he is with his grandkids. Davis just loved having him around.

I went over to hang out with Ryan and his family.

Davis is like a little doll. I never played with dolls growing up, so this is a whole new world to me. Everything I put on this girl looks cute. (gotta love the shoes)

One night the Lakers were playing the Celtics and she was in the best mood. She just hung out on my lap and made noises and smiled. Funny little sidenote, as we were watching the game the announcer said something about big baby Davis. Baby Davis is what we call her so I thought this was funny. One of the players on the Celtics they call Big Baby Davis. So little baby Davis was watching Big baby Davis play basketball.

Baby Davis playing with her cousin Seth. He looks huge next to her but he is only 4 months older. He is also the most chilled out kid (as my dad would say).

Grandma with the granddaughters in their tutus. Davis had hers on so Ava went and got hers. They both looked adorable. As you can see Ava is more interested in her tutu than in taking a picture.

All my nieces have big personalities Ava included. She danced around in her tutu demanded that dad (Ryan) play with her.

Seth is the most chilled out kid as I said before. He just lets Grandpa play with him and pester him. He is my brother in baby form. Easy going and happy, it's pretty near to impossible to get my brother worked as well.

Grandma with Davis at Ryan and Miriams.

We give Davis a bath as part of her bedtime routine. Up to this point bath was not her favorite part of the day. On this trip though she found her love for bath time. We got a bath lounger and she loved it. As you can see in the picture she was pretty happy splashing around. It really got her calm and ready for bed.

My friend heather who I played club volleyball and went to church with came over with her son. It was great to catch up with her. Her son Ryan was adorable, a little toddler tornado. He wanted so bad to get his hands on Davis, but we will have to wait a few years. I loved seeing them and thank you heather for driving to see us.

He is all boy.

On one of the more beautiful days when it was 79 degrees my mom and I took Davis to the new Thousand Oaks mall. I had not seen it since the huge renovations. They added a whole new outdoor part and the inside is beautiful. We got Davis some cute clothes at the Gap. They were having a great sale. It is sad to think that all these cute things she has will only fit her for a short time.(here is the blonde hair)

This is one of my faves. Papa and Davis. This is how I used sleep all the time when I was a baby.

On superbowl Sunday Ryan and Miriam brought the kids over to watch the game and have dinner. The game wasn't very exciting until the end so we got a little distracted here and there. (
in a previous post about my dad I mentioned something called standers hup. This is what it is you stand up on his hands. apperently when I was a kid I had unusually great balance so I could do this with a spot.) Dinner was great, it got even more exciting when Ava started playing with her food. At the end the game it got exciting and the steelers pulled out the win.

Ryan and Miriam live in a beautiful place where basically their back yard is a bunch of hills with hiking trails through them. On Saturday they let my dad Davis and I tag along on their weekly hike. My dad strapped Davis to him Ryan had a pack for Ava and Miriam carried Seth. Somehow I got off without having to haul a kid on the trail. It was again a gorgeous day about 75 degrees not a cloud in the sky. Stupid I wore a sweatshirt, oh well I burned more calories.

She really was excited about the hike. Ryan was trying to figure what trail we were going to take.

I just like this one.

Ava didn't last long walking. That post in background is the begining of the trail.

Super Papa!! Davis is just chillen.

Seth and Ryan look so alike in this picture. This was when we stopped at the waterfall for a little break.

Ava was hugging Seth. He didn't understand what was going on.

The dude! This is how Seth spent the hike.

This is how Davis spent the hike. She didn't really get a lot out of the hike. It was nice for me though to be outside in the warm sunshine. Since Davis was born we have been stuck inside because of the cold and RSV. So this hike really meant a lot to me.

The whole second half of the hike was up hill so we were tired at the end. We all drank gatorade to relpenish those electrolites. Ava even had a little Ava sized gatorade. (
I think that Davis looks so funny, her arms and legs just hanging dowm.)
My mom had a vibrating bouncy chair. Davis loved this chair, even way more than hers at home. The minute you put her this thing she was content. She wasn't even interested in her passy.

My dad the baby whisperer.

I just had to get a picture of her in this outfit. This what she flew in to go to California. It is my favorite with all the rainbows.

This is right after we got to grandma's house.

This one isn't from our trip I just liked and thought it was a cute one.
It was such a great vacation for everyone. Davis got to know her grandparents and we got to spend time outside, going on walks everynight with grandma. I love my family so much but it was different this time I didn't feel like my parents house was my home anymore. Every other time I have gone to visit I have felt like I was home. This time though I felt like a visitor and when Justin picked us up I felt like I was home. I now have my own family and home to take care of. It seems this is how it should be.
**A special thank you to my mom for all the help while I was home. She is the best, always willing to do and give whatever she can for others. She serves her family with perfect love, and is the best example of selflessness. I don't always treat her the way I should, I take for granted how amazing she is. But I want you to know mom that I love you so much and hope that I can be as great to my family as you have been to us.**