I love my family so much. I am truly blessed to have so many people who love and care for me. I also feel so blessed to be apart of Justin's family too. They are just as amazing. It is great to be reminded of what this time of year is all about. It is about spending time with those you love and showing them your love. It is not about the material things that this time of year can draw our mind to. I think that it is ironic that we spend a whole day just thinking about all that we are thankful for, being with family, and rejoicing in all our many blessings. Then the very next day we go right back to consumerism and thinking about the stuff that we don't have but want. I am going to try really hard this year to not get up in the whole thing and just think about how blessed I am to have a great husband, a home, and a loving healthy family.
My beautiful amazing grandma. She is such an example of the strength of a woman to me. The lady raised four out of control boys, started businesses, beat cancer, and did million things in between. She is absolutely incredible.