WOW I don't really know where to begin this one... It has been so long and so much has happened. I will try hard to keep things in chronological order as best I can. So to start, the last week in April was spring for me so I decided it was time for me to get on a jet plane and see my family. For those who don't live in Utah this winter has looooooong and hard. In fact it is almost the end of June and the last remnants of snow are still on the mountains. Anyway I flew to California to stay for a week and a half, I was so excited but also sad that I would have to leave Justin for the whole time. I justified by telling myself that he had finals and would to be busy to spend time with me anyway so I might as well go. I got there on a Friday and left the following Sunday. I have been married now for almost three years and on my own for almost five so I can't really call California home anymore, but when I got off that plane and felt the sun smelled the fog I was surprised by my feelings. It was like I had been captive somewhere for a long time and I finally returned the things of familiarity. Now this has nothing to do with Justin or living in Utah (well maybe it has a little to do with living in Utah) but I think I just forget sometimes that the majority of my memories and feelings are linked so closely with where I grew up. Normally when I go home I focus on going to the beach and being in the sun and soaking what is "California" this time though I soaked up what was my childhood. Hearing the lions at the zoo down the street. Walking my old streets and seeing that the houses are the same and the families that live in them for that matter. I guess where I am going with this is so much of me has changed and a lot of it has happened here in Utah. I have grown up, gotten married, bought a home, established roots of my own, and created relationships , but I still don't have the same feelings when I step off the plane here. I am overjoyed to see Justin and get back to our home, but I don't drive up our street and reminisce about all the football throwing and bike riding that I have done there. So although this probably will be that for our kids I just can't quite call this home.

So onto the vacation now that I have that off my chest. I was so excited to see my family my sister mom dad, Ryan and Miriam and baby avers. It was great laid back and just relaxing. Most days I just hung out by the pool until my sister got home then I forced her to spend every waking moment with me. ( she loved it) The best was staying up late with my mom and sister just talking, we all congregated on my sisters bed and would talk until Danielle felt like we had been in her world too long. Another one of my favorite things to do when i go home is to roast hot dogs in the fire pit. My mom buys the best hot dogs in the world Hebrew nationals and we roast them over the open flame. Just for information purposes that is the only way to eat a hot dog. I got to see my niece Ava a lot which was so much fun, she grows so fast and i wish i could be there more to see her grow up. On Friday my sister, mom, dad, and myself all went to Disneyland. It was so much fun I love Disneyland. We drove down the night before and stayed with my aunt and uncle. It felt like Christmas morning, my sister and I both had a hard time going to sleep because of childlike excitement. We woke up early and got there just as the gates opened. We went on every ride multiple times, the lines weren't that long it was really great. My dad truly showed his ability to eat. He did not stop the whole day pizza, corn dog (a foot long) ice-cream popcorn and as we were leaving he had to get big pickle for the road. I had such a great time with my family I love them so much, they are the best! Here are some pictures from the the trip
My mom and dad They are so cute!

This Ava My brother Ryan's little girl. Taking pictures of her is easy she is one of the most photogenic little girls, just like the rest of my nieces. We went on a walk and got this shot when she was turning around in her stroller tyring to see her grandpa.
Ryan and Ava, it is so fun to see him with her. She loves her dad so much and just lights up around her. He is such a great dad which is still weird to think that my brother is a dad.
On our walk we saw cows all over the hills behind my parents house. Ava was absolutely entranced by them and the noise they were making.